Tuesday, May 13, 2008

how to run several Lotus Notes clients at the same time

Sometimes it is very useful to run several copies of Lotus Notes. Let's say in one client you run agent and in the same time you continue to work. Also it is very useful when you want to work with different servers at the same time with different IDs.

Here is approach how to do it!

1. We have to change the shortcut of notes: instead of launching a file notes.exe, you need to run nlnotes.exe
C: \ Lotus \ Notes \ nlnotes.exe "= C: \ Lotus \ Notes \ notes.ini"
For convenience, you can also rename the shortcut to "Notes 01"
2. Then we have to copy notes folder, for example in the folder C: \ Lotus \ Notes02
3. Modify notes.ini in new copy of Lotus Notes - we should correct the path with C: \ Lotus \ Notes \ to C: \ Lotus \ Notes02 \
4. Copy shortcut to run, it to "Notes 02, and the change the way.
C: \ Lotus \ Notes02 \ nlnotes.exe "= C: \ Lotus \ Notes02 \ notes.ini"
5. By using these shortcuts you can run two copies of lotus notes

If you repeat this, you can run any number of copies.

You can also change the color of notes desktop to don't forget which version you use now...

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Take a look at this article: Installing and running Notes R5, 6, 7 and 8 concurrently http://www.assono.de/blog/d6plinks/Running-Notes-R5-6-7-8-concurrently