Showing posts with label XPath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label XPath. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2015

Using preceding-sibling and following-sibling in xpath

In this article I will show few examples about how to use following-sibling and preceding-sibling

Our XML example we are going to use.
 <div id="cities">  

Taking all city elements after element UK


Taking all city elements before element Denmark


Let's increase difficulty little bit and try to use preceding-sibling and following-sibling in the brackets []

Taking all city elements following till first country is UK


Taking all city elements from bottom till first country is Denmark


Let's increase difficulty even more and start using both preceding-sibling and following-sibling in one xpath.

Taking all city elements between two elements

In this example I'm going to get cities after UK and before Ukraine.
 /div/city[preceding-sibling::country='UK' and following-sibling::country='Ukraine']  